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ankit muchhala

Hi! I am

Ankit Muchhala

I build tech products - everything from small websites to enterprise-grade SaaS applications. Currently, a Product Manager at Amazon, building planet-scale data products. Previously, a Tech Lead at Postman, developing the world's leading API Platform.



I write about product management, web development, books and anything else I find interesting. Here are a few reads -

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I like to talk 😅. Sometimes there are a few people listening. Here are some of my talks from various tech conferences -



No. I do not have a big easel where I contemplate and draw. I make small comic strips about things I see in my life and find funny.

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Given an option between cooking an eating, I would go for the latter. I love eating food. I will post photos, videos, recipes and reviews of things I eat.

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I've worked as an engineer, tech lead and product manager at one of the world's fastest growing SaaS unicorn (Postman). With over 6 years of experience in building web products, I can help your team design and develop the next big thing on the web.

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